Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is it just me??

and hubby? I just have to get this off my chest and hope to not get flamed! But...

I am happy we have had a historical event this week, i hope our new president does wonders for things that are falling apart with our country/world right now, i am very optomistic! But a couple things bugged the heck out of me this week.

Mainly, well, one was when one of the morning talk shows kept showing footage of the small village in Africa where Obama's dad was born. It showed the villagers dancing and partying. I was happy they were celebrating but it made me wonder why we were glorifying his dad this way. Didn't his dad take off and abandon him as a child? Did I miss them showing info on his mother or grandmother? ( i did have to work that day so i may have) I am glad times have changed and that hopefully the racial barriers have melted or even blended and that this is proof of it but.... people keep raving about Obama being black,and while he is , he is also half white. These are just a few of the thoughts i kept having go through my head as i watched the festivities.

We lived for 13 years just down the road from where Obama grew up in Hawaii and are very acustomed to varieties in ethnicities (and miss that where we live now). We were usually the lone haole's at the majority of the events we went to, and grew used to being the minority. Maybe this is why i get confused and have these thoughts as maybe i don't see the huge deal really and just see a qualified person for the job.

So please no flames, these were just a few thoughts that have been running through my head and i felt maybe they would leave once i wrote them down.

PIMPS: Very cool, check it out!! (and a contest)


Cindy said...

No flames. As, I recall, we are still allowed to voice our opinions. This is your blog.

Aunt Kathy said...

You (and hubby) are not alone. I am right there with you.

Thinkoutsidethebox2008 said...

AMEN! I can't even begin to tell you how much I agree with everything you have stated. You are so not alone in your thoughts regarding all of what you have seen. Perhaps we need to take a step back and look at the motives of the media as opposed to thinking there may be something wrong with us for what we see! There are reasons that the media as a whole spins their coverage in the way they do..HMM..even more to think about now, huh?

My8kidsmom said...

I hadn't thought about that! Good point. I have a son who is mixed but often people refer to him as black (those who know he is half white) It makes ya go hmmmmmm.....

Unknown said...

Hi Turtles

Thank you for writing such a courageous and honest positing. I wanted to write back to give you some additional context, but it kept getting longer and longers, so I decided to do a post on my blog.

No flames there...just honest conversation about the issues you raised. Thanks!


Tally Knits said...

I agree with some of what you are saying... he's not black (he's mixed, like me and many others) and it's no more historical than any other election/presidency... he's a person like the rest of us and race shouldn't matter.

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

No flames here either. If you don't understand something, you should ask or comment to get feedback.