Well no spa treatments today. Played "move the car" and got a few things done on the side...boring, responsible things nothing exciting!
Aside from the heavy rains , which by the way i became drenched by, the waves were pretty cool to contend with crossing on the foot ferry. At least i didn't have to dock it, lol! But from snow to rain....twenty something degrees to 50 something in a week???? go figure! Off to catch the late newscast and see if anything changes (as the wind howls across the chimney) well, sleep will be nice with it hitting the windows! smile Peace and nighty night!
Pimps: in a word, gorgeous! check it out! http://phatfiber.blogspot.com/2009/01/natchwoolie-and-giveaway.html
also: i hate to link you as this is so funny i hope i win! but here you go: (all's fair!) http://onlyifblissslept.blogspot.com/2008/12/100th-post-get-your-contest-on.html
Iam so envious wish i could have a spa treatment like my feet so I could nap while they make them soft and pretty;)Hugs Darcy
I want to know what Mother Nature got stuck up her butt to give us such crap weather lately... ugh!
Looks like you're having similar weather! Stay... warm? dry? cool? hmmm...
You sure are getting some wild weather up there! Wash away all the snow and a whole lotta other stuff.
Do people use chains on 2wd cars up there? Just curious. We had to at Yosemite. Very odd. hated it but them's the rules...
I would kill for rain! We got six more inches of snow while I was at work today and I still haven't figured out how I am going to shovel all of it. On the lighter side, I that spa treatment does sound nice.
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