Just a bit ago as i was sitting here surfing on the pc, i looked out towards the back yard through the french doors. I saw branches start swaying as if to let the snow drop, only the branches continued to fall. My red japanese maple fell over, just fell, lay down on the roof to the hot tub gazebo. Nothing on the building looks damaged but this tree will now have to be sacrificed to the chiminea gods. I used to love the pink flowers of spring and the red leaves of summer. A beautiful tree the squirrels chase in and the birds spend hours on the feeder. A moment of silence please. *sigh* My neighbor will come over when the weather is a bit better to cut it into pieces for me. (he knows better than to lend me his chainsaw) Hubby is in Canada all week. Did i say what wonderful neighbors i have!!
My old girl Ocean Myst showing off her snow angel talents. She says this is the same technique she used to use on the beach in sand.
my daughter is ecstatic! After 12+ years in hawaii she has missed school due to hurricanes, tsunami's, monsoons...but until last year had never missed a day to snow.
Here are answers to the Hot Cocoa Game though:
1.Anne K, Criquette
2. Ashley C , Tanya M
3. a.Tricia R
b.Alex E
c.Lesley & Ana-Sofia
4.Lesley, Michelle
5.Alice A, Felicia
6. Charity R (no on knitting) Cathy D
7.Natalie M (1-7) Brenda (1-7)
8.Annemarie M ,Michelle
9.Tanya M, Rachel C
10.Alex E,Mia, Criquette
11.Kris L
12. Amanda D,Alice A
13.Bea, Cathy D
How cute is your dog in the snow! Love it!!
Ugh...sorry about the tree though. Thank goodness for nice neighbors :)
Yay! Snow day. Looks like you get them like we do in Texas. If anything is on the ground then its a snow day. When I was in Connecticut we had to have FEET of snow to cancel school.
Ocean Myst is so darn cute rolling around in the snow! Too bad about the tree.
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